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Date: 2024-11-17
Tags:  syadmin

These are the steps to run WireGuard from the command line.

First generate a private key:

wg genkey > private

Create the wg0 interface:

ip link add wg0 type wireguard

Give the interface an address:

ip addr add dev wg0

All traffic over wg0 will be encrypted so we need to set the decryption key:

wg set wg0 private-key ./private

Start the new device:

ip link set wg0 up

Now add a peer:

wg set wg0 peer {other_public_key}  allowed-ips {other_internal_ip}/32 endpoint {other_public_ip}:{other_wg_listening_port}

You can get the other public key and listening port by doing:

interface: wg0
  public key: {other_public_key}
  private key: (hidden)
  listening port: {other_wg_listening_port}

You can get the public IP and internal IP from:

ip a
2: eth0:
   inet {public_ip}/20 brd scope global eth0
4: wg0:
   inet scope global wg0