This day was much more straightforward than day 1. I really like day 1 for the memes it's generating as everyone seems to be having fun going through the trickiness of day 1.
Day 2 involved more string munging/parsing but was otherwise simple. It did make me wish that there was a MAXIMUM function in basic that would find the max of each multivalue grouping. This feels like something that should exist.
I also got the distinct feeling that part 1 of the puzzle could be done in a really nice way with the database and with selects. I didn't spend much time thinking about it though as I wanted to wrap it up before day 3 rolled around. It wouldn't do to already be behind by day 2!
I think there is definitely a version of advent of code that I want to do directly in Pick with SELECTS and queries. That might be a fun little adventure though it will probably make some things harder.
Someone else also joined me for day 2 on the pick forums so that was quite nice, hopefully more people chime in or at least give some insight about some better ways to do things.