Some healthy procrastination.
Firestarter is my github repo that sets up an express project according to my express cheatsheet. Hopefully it's actually useful as building it out was procrastination as I didn't want to start the real project I have in mind for it.
This application uses the following global packages:
- nodemon - code watcher and runner
- pm2 - process manager
I install the following packages for the project:
- bcrypt - library for password hashing
- better-sqlite3 - added for sessions backend
- better-sqlite3-session-store - sessions backend
- dotenv - environment variables
- express-fileupload - adds support for file uploads
- express-session - adds support for sessions
- helmet - adds secure headers in production
- hpp - stops queries from being arrays
- method-override - adds support for put, patch and delete
- sequelize - adds an orm
- sqlite3 - adds a database
I changed the `<% %>` delimiters in ejs to `\<? ?>`.
This project has a working register and login system.
I also have a sample nginx configuration in this folder.
cp sample-nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/project-name.conf
ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/project-name.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
service nginx restart
Once the project is installed and nginx is configured. You can start developing.
npm run start-dev