Using the readability package from mozilla and the epub-gen package, it becomes very easy to take a web page and generate an epub for it.
The libraries used:
pnpm install axios @mozilla/readability jsdom epub-gen
The code:
const axios = require("axios");
const { Readability } = require('@mozilla/readability');
const { JSDOM } = require('jsdom');
const Epub = require("epub-gen");
async function makeBook(url) {
try {
const response = await axios.get(url);
const doc = new JSDOM(, { url });
const reader = new Readability(doc.window.document);
const article = reader.parse();
new Epub({
output: 'some.epub',
title: article.title,
author: article.siteName,
content: [
title: article.title,
data: article.content
} catch (err) {
This function will generate an epub given a url. The readability library is a best effort library so some web pages will look weird or have strange cutoffs but I can live with that.
This is part of my project to push articles to my kindle.