The simplest possible code to get something going. This has no dependencies besides the crates fuser and rusqlite and the C libraries for fuse and sqlite.
C libraries:
sudo yum install fuse-devel
sudo yum install sqlite-devel
fuser = "0.7"
rusqlite = "0.28.0"
This is just documentation for myself, I'm going to follow my C tutorial and hopefully get something working. The first step is to just see my mount folder, dir, with the correct permissions.
use std::time::{Duration, UNIX_EPOCH};
use fuser::{
FileAttr, FileType, Filesystem, ReplyAttr, Request,
struct RFS;
const TTL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(1);
const DEFAULT_DIR_ATTR: FileAttr = FileAttr {
ino: 1,
size: 4096,
blocks: 0,
atime: UNIX_EPOCH,
mtime: UNIX_EPOCH,
ctime: UNIX_EPOCH,
crtime: UNIX_EPOCH,
kind: FileType::Directory,
perm: 0o755,
nlink: 2,
uid: 1000,
gid: 1000,
rdev: 0,
flags: 0,
blksize: 512,
padding: 0,
impl Filesystem for RFS {
fn getattr(&mut self, _req: &Request, _ino: u64, reply: ReplyAttr) {
reply.attr(&TTL, &DEFAULT_DIR_ATTR);
fn main() {
let mountpoint = "dir";
let options = vec![];
fuser::mount2(RFS, mountpoint, &options).unwrap();
You can use cargo run
and this will compile and mount the directory. For now it is mounting nothing.
fusermount -u /home/nivethan/bp/rfs/dir
This command will clean up the mount as ctrl c doesn't clean everything up.
The output of doing ls -l after the folder is mounted.
ls -l
drwxr-xr-x 2 nivethan nivethan 4.0K Dec 31 1969 dir/